Providing Therapeutic
Welcome To Body Detox Wellness
Therapeutic BD Dental Pack benefits those with the following *Any type of trauma *Scarring * Piercing * Pre-Post surgery, exploratory, medical or clinical treatment *Planning a pregnancy *Before or after breast feeding * Post chemo therapy (&/Or) radiation treatment.
“Our Mission is to “Create Healthy Body Tissue on a Cellular Level”.
Want to Create Healthy Tissue on a Cellular Level?
We are all surrounded by a “Biofield”. Every living organism generates an electromagnetic field which surrounds us. The human “Biofield” is the energetic blueprint or matrix that creates our human form. It is a layered electro-magnetic field that surrounds and interpenetrates the physical body.
The energy of the “Biofield” is subtle but measurable.
Since this field is measurable, it can become affected causing disturbance of the electromagnetic nerve, lymph and energy flow.
These traumas that cause disturbances are called an Interference Field (IF). The electrical output of the cells in damaged tissue has a different membrane potential that functions like a 1.5v battery in your skin, disrupting normal electrical conduction.
The Biofield in its complete to stagnant state
The diagrams above, starting on the left, is showing a “Biofield “complete in full communication. As you move to the right you can see where years of trauma to the body have created Interference Fields (IF). These fields can be restored back to their full cellar communication through therapeutic BD Mud Pack Protocol.
Why would the body develop weak areas and Interference Fields?
Due to Trauma and Scaring to Breast Tissue
(IF) Body Trauma: Piercing, dental injections, tattoos, liposuction, reduction, implants, exploratory, biopsy (internal scars may not be visible), or surgery is also considered physical trauma, as it disturbs the original state of the tissue and surrounding circulations and pathways.
(IF) Insufficient Minerals and Nutrients: Lack of insufficient nutrients at the time of trauma or injury can cause a weak area to form.
(IF) Chemicals: Heavy metals and metabolic toxins that have accumulated in an area can then cause an “Interference Field”.
(IF) Dental: Infections, traumas of the mouth, multiple dental procedures done on teeth as well as dental injections.
Here at Body Detox Wellness we address all of the above
BD Mud Packs and BD Dental Pack are a great tool for rapidly restoring tissue.
For more information on how you can create healthy tissue please visit us again Oct 2020: